Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old school

She is 90, he is over 80. They fall in love, and they met each other on . After watching this episode on, I asked myself: "Is it even possible?" Yes, it's quite possible. It's old school, where people want to be loyal, committed, and honest with each other. They did not play new modern games, they did not call each other "partners", "soulmates" or "best friends". They actually want to be husband and wife. It sounds happy and cool, in their age it even sounds promising and healthy. It's really old school.

Watching this video, I reminded myself some wisdom words of rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who wrote controversial book "Kosher sex": "Singles today are immunized to real love. They date and date but rarely fall in love. And the problem lies not with a dearth of suitable mates but within. Their hearts are made of Teflon rather than Velcro".
Are we a teflon-made generation and love does not stick to us? What happened with old values? Even in modern times old generation finds a way to show their respect to each other. Are we raising disrespectful nation? Are we going down? How long will we go down? Where is a bottom?

Do we want to go up?..

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